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TNL::NetConnection class Reference

TNL::NetConnection Class Reference

#include <tnlNetConnection.h>

Inheritance diagram for TNL::NetConnection:

TNL::Object TNL::EventConnection MasterServerInterface TNL::GhostConnection TNLTest::TestConnection

Detailed Description

TNL network connection base class.

NetConnection is the base class for the connection classes in TNL. It implements a notification protocol on the unreliable packet transport of UDP (via the TNL::Net layer). NetConnection manages the flow of packets over the network, and calls its subclasses to read and write packet data, as well as handle packet delivery notification.

Because string data can easily soak up network bandwidth, for efficiency NetConnection implements an optional networked string table. Users can then notify the connection of strings it references often, such as player names, and transmit only a tag, instead of the whole string.

Adaptive Protocol

Functions and state for the adaptive rate protocol.

TNL's adaptive rate uses rate control algorithms similar to TCP/IP's.

There are a few state variables here that aren't documented.

void setIsAdaptive ()
 Enables the adaptive protocol.

void setFixedRateParameters (U32 minPacketSendPeriod, U32 minPacketRecvPeriod, U32 maxSendBandwidth, U32 maxRecvBandwidth)
 sets the fixed rate send and receive data sizes, and sets the connection to not behave as an adaptive rate connection

bool isAdaptive ()
 Query the adaptive status of the connection.

virtual bool isDataToTransmit ()
 Returns true if this connection has data to transmit.

F32 cwnd
F32 ssthresh
U32 mLastSeqRecvdAck
U32 mLastAckTime

Public Types

enum  TerminationReason {
enum  NetConnectionTypeFlags {
  ConnectionToServer = BIT(0),
  ConnectionToClient = BIT(1),
  ConnectionAdaptive = BIT(2),
  ConnectionRemoteAdaptive = BIT(3)
 Flags specifying the type of the connection instance. More...

enum  NetConnectionState {
  NotConnected = 0,
 Connection state flags for a NetConnection instance. More...

Public Member Functions

 NetConnection ()
 ~NetConnection ()
U32 getNextSendSequence ()
 Returns the next send sequence that will be sent by this side.

U32 getLastSendSequence ()
 Returns the sequence of the last packet sent by this connection, or the current packet's send sequence if called from within writePacket().

void setInitialRecvSequence (U32 sequence)
 Sets the initial sequence number of packets read from the remote host.

U32 getInitialRecvSequence ()
 Returns the initial sequence number of packets sent from the remote host.

U32 getInitialSendSequence ()
 Returns the initial sequence number of packets sent to the remote host.

void connect (NetInterface *connectionInterface, const Address &address, bool requestKeyExchange=false, bool requestCertificate=false)
 Connect to a server through a given network interface.

bool connectLocal (NetInterface *connectionInterface, NetInterface *localServerInterface)
 Connects to a server interface within the same process.

void connectArranged (NetInterface *connectionInterface, const Vector< Address > &possibleAddresses, Nonce &myNonce, Nonce &remoteNonce, ByteBufferPtr sharedSecret, bool isInitiator, bool requestsKeyExchange=false, bool requestsCertificate=false)
 Connects to a remote host that is also connecting to this connection (negotiated by a third party).

void disconnect (const char *reason)
 Sends a disconnect packet to notify the remote host that this side is terminating the connection for the specified reason.

bool windowFull ()
 Returns true if the packet send window is full and no more data packets can be sent.

ConnectionParametersgetConnectionParameters ()
bool isInitiator ()
 returns true if this object initiated the connection with the remote host

void setRemoteConnectionObject (NetConnection *connection)
NetConnectiongetRemoteConnectionObject ()
void setInterface (NetInterface *myInterface)
 Sets the NetInterface this NetConnection will communicate through.

NetInterfacegetInterface ()
 Returns the NetInterface this connection communicates through.

void setSymmetricCipher (SymmetricCipher *theCipher)
 Sets the SymmetricCipher this NetConnection will use for encryption.

virtual NetClassGroup getNetClassGroup () const
 Returns the class group of objects that can be transmitted over this NetConnection.

void setPingTimeouts (U32 msPerPing, U32 pingRetryCount)
 Sets the ping/timeout characteristics for a fixed-rate connection. Total timeout is msPerPing * pingRetryCount.

void setSimulatedNetParams (F32 packetLoss, U32 latency)
 Simulates a network situation with a percentage random packet loss and a connection one way latency as specified.

void setIsConnectionToServer ()
 Specifies that this NetConnection instance is a connection to a "server.".

bool isConnectionToServer ()
 Returns true if this is a connection to a "server.".

void setIsConnectionToClient ()
 Specifies that this NetConnection instance is a connection to a "client.".

bool isConnectionToClient ()
 Returns true if this is a connection to a "client.".

bool isLocalConnection ()
 Returns true if the remote side of this connection is a NetConnection instance in on the same host.

bool isNetworkConnection ()
 Returns true if the remote side if this connection is on a remote host.

F32 getRoundTripTime ()
 Returns the running average packet round trip time.

F32 getOneWayTime ()
 Returns have of the average of the round trip packet time.

const AddressgetNetAddress ()
 Returns the remote address of the host we're connected or trying to connect to.

const char * getNetAddressString () const
 Returns the remote address in string form.

void setNetAddress (const Address &address)
 Sets the address of the remote host we want to connect to.

NetError sendPacket (BitStream *stream)
 Sends a packet that was written into a BitStream to the remote host, or the mRemoteConnection on this host.

bool checkTimeout (U32 time)
 Checks to see if the connection has timed out, possibly sending a ping packet to the remote host. Returns true if the connection timed out.

void checkPacketSend (bool force, U32 currentTime)
 Checks to see if a packet should be sent at the currentTime to the remote host.

void setConnectionState (NetConnectionState state)
 Sets the current connection state of this NetConnection.

NetConnectionState getConnectionState ()
 Gets the current connection state of this NetConnection.

bool isEstablished ()
 Returns true if the connection handshaking has completed successfully.

void setTranslatesStrings ()
 Enables string tag translation on this connection.

Static Public Member Functions

char * getErrorBuffer ()
 returns the current error buffer

void setLastError (const char *fmt,...)
 Sets an error string and notifies the currently processing connection that it should terminate.

Data Fields

U32 mConnectSendCount
 Number of challenge or connect requests sent to the remote host.

U32 mConnectLastSendTime
 The send time of the last challenge or connect request.

NetConnectionState mConnectionState
 Current state of this NetConnection.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void onConnectTerminated (TerminationReason reason, const char *rejectionString)
 Called when a pending connection is terminated.

virtual void onConnectionTerminated (TerminationReason, const char *errorDisconnectString)
 Called when this established connection is terminated for any reason.

virtual void onConnectionEstablished ()
 Called when the connection is successfully established with the remote host.

virtual bool validateCertficate (Certificate *theCertificate, bool isInitiator)
 validates that the given certificate is a valid certificate for this connection.

virtual bool validatePublicKey (AsymmetricKey *theKey, bool isInitiator)
 Validates that the given public key is valid for this connection.

virtual void writeConnectRequest (BitStream *stream)
 Fills the connect request packet with additional custom data (from a subclass).

virtual bool readConnectRequest (BitStream *stream, const char **errorString)
 Called after this connection instance is created on a non-initiating host (server).

virtual void writeConnectAccept (BitStream *stream)
 Writes any data needed to start the connection on the accept packet.

virtual bool readConnectAccept (BitStream *stream, const char **errorString)
 Reads out the extra data read by writeConnectAccept and returns true if it is processed properly.

virtual void readPacket (BitStream *bstream)
 Called to read a subclass's packet data from the packet.

virtual void prepareWritePacket ()
 Called to prepare the connection for packet writing.

virtual void writePacket (BitStream *bstream, PacketNotify *note)
 Called to write a subclass's packet data into the packet.

virtual void packetReceived (PacketNotify *note)
 Called when the packet associated with the specified notify is known to have been received by the remote host.

virtual void packetDropped (PacketNotify *note)
 Called when the packet associated with the specified notify is known to have been not received by the remote host.

virtual PacketNotifyallocNotify ()
 Allocates a data record to track data sent on an individual packet.

void readRawPacket (BitStream *bstream)
 Reads a raw packet from a BitStream, as dispatched from NetInterface.

void writeRawPacket (BitStream *bstream, NetPacketType packetType)
 Writes a full packet of the specified type into the BitStream.

void writePacketHeader (BitStream *bstream, NetPacketType packetType)
 Writes the notify protocol's packet header into the BitStream.

bool readPacketHeader (BitStream *bstream)
 Reads a notify protocol packet header from the BitStream and returns true if it was a data packet that needs more processing.

void writePacketRateInfo (BitStream *bstream, PacketNotify *note)
 Writes any packet send rate change information into the packet.

void readPacketRateInfo (BitStream *bstream)
 Reads any packet send rate information requests from the packet.

void sendPingPacket ()
 Sends a ping packet to the remote host, to determine if it is still alive and what its packet window status is.

void sendAckPacket ()
 Sends an ack packet to the remote host, in response to receiving a ping packet.

void handleNotify (U32 sequence, bool recvd)
 Dispatches a notify when a packet is ACK'd or NACK'd.

void keepAlive ()
 Called when a packet is received to stop any timeout action in progress.

void clearAllPacketNotifies ()
 Clears out the pending notify list.

PacketNotifygetCurrentWritePacketNotify ()
 Returns the notify structure for the current packet write, or last written packet.

Protected Attributes

 Linked list of structures representing the data in sent packets.

 Tail of the notify queue linked list. New packets are added to the end of the tail.

SafePtr< NetConnectionmRemoteConnection
 Safe pointer to a short-circuit remote connection on the same host.

ConnectionParameters mConnectionParameters
SafePtr< NetInterfacemInterface
 The NetInterface of which this NetConnection is a member.

RefPtr< SymmetricCiphermSymmetricCipher
 The helper object that performs symmetric encryption on packets.

Static Protected Attributes

char mErrorBuffer [256]
 String buffer that errors are written into.

Private Types

typedef Object Parent
enum  HeaderConstants {
  MaxPacketWindowSizeShift = 5,
  MaxPacketWindowSize = (1 << MaxPacketWindowSizeShift),
  PacketWindowMask = MaxPacketWindowSize - 1,
  MaxAckMaskSize = 1 << (MaxPacketWindowSizeShift - 5),
  MaxAckByteCount = MaxAckMaskSize << 2,
  SequenceNumberBitSize = 11,
  SequenceNumberWindowSize = (1 << SequenceNumberBitSize),
  SequenceNumberMask = -SequenceNumberWindowSize,
  AckSequenceNumberBitSize = 10,
  AckSequenceNumberWindowSize = (1 << AckSequenceNumberBitSize),
  AckSequenceNumberMask = -AckSequenceNumberWindowSize,
  PacketHeaderBitSize = 3 + AckSequenceNumberBitSize + SequenceNumberBitSize,
  PacketHeaderByteSize = (PacketHeaderBitSize + 7) >> 3,
  PacketHeaderPadBits = (PacketHeaderByteSize << 3) - PacketHeaderBitSize,
  MessageSignatureBytes = 5
 Constants controlling the data representation of each packet header. More...

enum  NetPacketType {
 Two-bit identifier for each connected packet. More...

enum  DefaultPingConstants {
  AdaptiveInitialPingTimeout = 60000,
  AdaptivePingRetryCount = 4,
  DefaultPingTimeout = 5000,
  DefaultPingRetryCount = 10,
  AdaptiveUnackedSentPingTimeout = 3000
 Constants controlling the behavior of pings and timeouts. More...

enum  RateDefaults {
  DefaultFixedBandwidth = 2500,
  DefaultFixedSendPeriod = 96,
  MaxFixedBandwidth = 65535,
  MaxFixedSendPeriod = 2047

Private Member Functions

bool hasUnackedSentPackets ()
 Returns true if this connection has sent packets that have not yet been acked by the remote host.

void computeNegotiatedRate ()
 Called internally when the local or remote rate changes.

Private Attributes

U32 mLastPacketRecvTime
 Time of the receipt of the last data packet.

U32 mLastSeqRecvdAtSend [MaxPacketWindowSize]
 The sequence number of the last packet received from the remote host when we sent the packet with sequence X & PacketWindowMask.

U32 mLastSeqRecvd
 The sequence number of the most recently received packet from the remote host.

U32 mHighestAckedSeq
 The highest sequence number the remote side has acknowledged.

U32 mLastSendSeq
 The sequence number of the last packet sent.

U32 mAckMask [MaxAckMaskSize]
 long string of bits, each acking a packet sent by the remote host

U32 mLastRecvAckAck
 The highest sequence this side knows the other side has received an ACK or NACK for.

U32 mInitialSendSeq
 The first mLastSendSeq for this side of the connection.

U32 mInitialRecvSeq
 The first mLastSeqRecvd (the first mLastSendSeq for the remote host).

U32 mHighestAckedSendTime
 The send time of the highest packet sequence acked by the remote host.

U32 mPingTimeout
 Milliseconds to wait before sending a ping packet.

U32 mPingRetryCount
 Number of unacknowledged pings to send before timing out.

BitSet32 mTypeFlags
 Flags describing the type of connection this is, OR'd from NetConnectionTypeFlags.

U32 mLastUpdateTime
 The last time a packet was sent from this instance.

F32 mRoundTripTime
 Running average round trip time.

U32 mSendDelayCredit
 Metric to help compensate for irregularities on fixed rate packet sends.

U32 mSimulatedLatency
 Amount of additional time this connection delays its packet sends to simulate latency in the connection.

F32 mSimulatedPacketLoss
 Function to simulate packet loss on a network.

NetRate mLocalRate
 Current communications rate negotiated for this connection.

NetRate mRemoteRate
 Maximum allowable communications rate for this connection.

bool mLocalRateChanged
 Set to true when the local connection's rate has changed.

U32 mCurrentPacketSendSize
 Current size of each packet sent to the remote host.

U32 mCurrentPacketSendPeriod
 Millisecond delay between sent packets.

Address mNetAddress
 The network address of the host this instance is connected to.

U32 mPingSendCount
 Number of unacknowledged ping packets sent to the remote host.

U32 mLastPingSendTime
 Last time a ping packet was sent from this connection.

 Helper for managing translation between global NetStringTable ids to local ids for this connection.


class NetInterface
class ConnectionStringTable

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Object TNL::NetConnection::Parent [private]

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection, TNL::GhostConnection, and TNLTest::TestConnection.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TNL::NetConnection::HeaderConstants [private]

Constants controlling the data representation of each packet header.

Enumeration values:
MaxPacketWindowSizeShift  Packet window size is 2^MaxPacketWindowSizeShift.
MaxPacketWindowSize  Maximum number of packets in the packet window.
PacketWindowMask  Mask for accessing the packet window.
MaxAckMaskSize  Each ack word can ack 32 packets.
MaxAckByteCount  The maximum number of ack bytes sent in each packet.
SequenceNumberBitSize  Bit size of the send and sequence number.
SequenceNumberWindowSize  Size of the send sequence number window.
SequenceNumberMask  Mask used to reconstruct the full send sequence number of the packet from the partial sequence number sent.
AckSequenceNumberBitSize  Bit size of the ack receive sequence number.
AckSequenceNumberWindowSize  Size of the ack receive sequence number window.
AckSequenceNumberMask  Mask used to reconstruct the full ack receive sequence number of the packet from the partial sequence number sent.
PacketHeaderBitSize  Size, in bits, of the packet header sequence number section.
PacketHeaderByteSize  Size, in bytes, of the packet header sequence number information.
PacketHeaderPadBits  Padding bits to get header bytes to align on a byte boundary, for encryption purposes.
MessageSignatureBytes  Special data bytes written into the end of the packet to guarantee data consistency.

enum TNL::NetConnection::NetPacketType [private]

Two-bit identifier for each connected packet.

Enumeration values:
DataPacket  Standard data packet. Each data packet sent increments the current packet sequence number (mLastSendSeq).
PingPacket  Ping packet, sent if this instance hasn't heard from the remote host for a while.

Sending a ping packet does not increment the packet sequence number.

AckPacket  Packet sent in response to a ping packet. Sending an ack packet does not increment the sequence number.

enum TNL::NetConnection::DefaultPingConstants [private]

Constants controlling the behavior of pings and timeouts.

Enumeration values:
DefaultPingTimeout  Default milliseconds to wait before sending a ping packet.
DefaultPingRetryCount  Default number of unacknowledged pings to send before timing out.

enum TNL::NetConnection::TerminationReason

Enumeration values:

enum TNL::NetConnection::NetConnectionTypeFlags

Flags specifying the type of the connection instance.

Enumeration values:
ConnectionToServer  A connection to a "server", used for directing NetEvents.
ConnectionToClient  A connection to a "client".
ConnectionAdaptive  Indicates that this connection uses the adaptive protocol.
ConnectionRemoteAdaptive  Indicates that the remote side of this connection requested the adaptive protocol.

enum TNL::NetConnection::RateDefaults [private]

Enumeration values:
DefaultFixedBandwidth  The default send/receive bandwidth - 2.5 Kb per second.
DefaultFixedSendPeriod  The default delay between each packet send - approx 10 packets per second.
MaxFixedBandwidth  The maximum bandwidth for a connection using the fixed rate transmission method.
MaxFixedSendPeriod  The maximum period between packets in the fixed rate send transmission method.

enum TNL::NetConnection::NetConnectionState

Connection state flags for a NetConnection instance.

Enumeration values:
NotConnected  Initial state of a NetConnection instance - not connected.
AwaitingChallengeResponse  We've sent a challenge request, awaiting the response.
SendingPunchPackets  The state of a pending arranged connection when both sides haven't heard from the other yet.
ComputingPuzzleSolution  We've received a challenge response, and are in the process of computing a solution to its puzzle.
AwaitingConnectResponse  We've received a challenge response and sent a connect request.
ConnectTimedOut  The connection timed out during the connection process.
ConnectRejected  The connection was rejected.
Connected  We've accepted a connect request, or we've received a connect response accept.
Disconnected  The connection has been disconnected.
TimedOut  The connection timed out.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TNL::NetConnection::NetConnection  ) 

TNL::NetConnection::~NetConnection  ) 

Member Function Documentation

bool TNL::NetConnection::hasUnackedSentPackets  )  [inline, private]

Returns true if this connection has sent packets that have not yet been acked by the remote host.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::onConnectTerminated TerminationReason  reason,
const char *  rejectionString
[protected, virtual]

Called when a pending connection is terminated.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::onConnectionTerminated TerminationReason  ,
const char *  errorDisconnectString
[protected, virtual]

Called when this established connection is terminated for any reason.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::onConnectionEstablished  )  [protected, virtual]

Called when the connection is successfully established with the remote host.

Reimplemented in TNLTest::TestConnection.

virtual bool TNL::NetConnection::validateCertficate Certificate theCertificate,
bool  isInitiator
[inline, protected, virtual]

validates that the given certificate is a valid certificate for this connection.

virtual bool TNL::NetConnection::validatePublicKey AsymmetricKey theKey,
bool  isInitiator
[inline, protected, virtual]

Validates that the given public key is valid for this connection.

If this host requires a valid certificate for the communication, this function should always return false. It will only be called if the remote side of the connection did not provide a certificate.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::writeConnectRequest BitStream stream  )  [protected, virtual]

Fills the connect request packet with additional custom data (from a subclass).

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection.

virtual bool TNL::NetConnection::readConnectRequest BitStream stream,
const char **  errorString
[protected, virtual]

Called after this connection instance is created on a non-initiating host (server).

Reads data sent by the writeConnectRequest method and returns true if the connection is accepted or false if it's not. The errorString pointer should be filled if the connection is rejected.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::writeConnectAccept BitStream stream  )  [protected, virtual]

Writes any data needed to start the connection on the accept packet.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection.

virtual bool TNL::NetConnection::readConnectAccept BitStream stream,
const char **  errorString
[protected, virtual]

Reads out the extra data read by writeConnectAccept and returns true if it is processed properly.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::readPacket BitStream bstream  )  [protected, virtual]

Called to read a subclass's packet data from the packet.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection, and TNL::GhostConnection.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::prepareWritePacket  )  [protected, virtual]

Called to prepare the connection for packet writing.

Any setup work to determine if there isDataToTransmit() should happen in this function. prepareWritePacket should _always_ call the Parent:: function.

Reimplemented in TNL::GhostConnection.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::writePacket BitStream bstream,
PacketNotify note
[protected, virtual]

Called to write a subclass's packet data into the packet.

Information about what the instance wrote into the packet can be attached to the notify object.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection, and TNL::GhostConnection.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::packetReceived PacketNotify note  )  [protected, virtual]

Called when the packet associated with the specified notify is known to have been received by the remote host.

Packets are guaranteed to be notified in the order in which they were sent.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection, and TNL::GhostConnection.

virtual void TNL::NetConnection::packetDropped PacketNotify note  )  [protected, virtual]

Called when the packet associated with the specified notify is known to have been not received by the remote host.

Packets are guaranteed to be notified in the order in which they were sent.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection, and TNL::GhostConnection.

virtual PacketNotify* TNL::NetConnection::allocNotify  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Allocates a data record to track data sent on an individual packet.

If you need to track additional notification information, you'll have to override this so you allocate a subclass of PacketNotify with extra fields.

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection, and TNL::GhostConnection.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::getNextSendSequence  )  [inline]

Returns the next send sequence that will be sent by this side.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::getLastSendSequence  )  [inline]

Returns the sequence of the last packet sent by this connection, or the current packet's send sequence if called from within writePacket().

void TNL::NetConnection::readRawPacket BitStream bstream  )  [protected]

Reads a raw packet from a BitStream, as dispatched from NetInterface.

void TNL::NetConnection::writeRawPacket BitStream bstream,
NetPacketType  packetType

Writes a full packet of the specified type into the BitStream.

void TNL::NetConnection::writePacketHeader BitStream bstream,
NetPacketType  packetType

Writes the notify protocol's packet header into the BitStream.

bool TNL::NetConnection::readPacketHeader BitStream bstream  )  [protected]

Reads a notify protocol packet header from the BitStream and returns true if it was a data packet that needs more processing.

void TNL::NetConnection::writePacketRateInfo BitStream bstream,
PacketNotify note

Writes any packet send rate change information into the packet.

void TNL::NetConnection::readPacketRateInfo BitStream bstream  )  [protected]

Reads any packet send rate information requests from the packet.

void TNL::NetConnection::sendPingPacket  )  [protected]

Sends a ping packet to the remote host, to determine if it is still alive and what its packet window status is.

void TNL::NetConnection::sendAckPacket  )  [protected]

Sends an ack packet to the remote host, in response to receiving a ping packet.

void TNL::NetConnection::handleNotify U32  sequence,
bool  recvd

Dispatches a notify when a packet is ACK'd or NACK'd.

void TNL::NetConnection::keepAlive  )  [protected]

Called when a packet is received to stop any timeout action in progress.

void TNL::NetConnection::clearAllPacketNotifies  )  [protected]

Clears out the pending notify list.

void TNL::NetConnection::setInitialRecvSequence U32  sequence  ) 

Sets the initial sequence number of packets read from the remote host.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::getInitialRecvSequence  )  [inline]

Returns the initial sequence number of packets sent from the remote host.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::getInitialSendSequence  )  [inline]

Returns the initial sequence number of packets sent to the remote host.

void TNL::NetConnection::connect NetInterface connectionInterface,
const Address address,
bool  requestKeyExchange = false,
bool  requestCertificate = false

Connect to a server through a given network interface.

The connection request can require that the connection use encryption, or that the remote host's certificate be validated by a known Certificate Authority

bool TNL::NetConnection::connectLocal NetInterface connectionInterface,
NetInterface localServerInterface

Connects to a server interface within the same process.

void TNL::NetConnection::connectArranged NetInterface connectionInterface,
const Vector< Address > &  possibleAddresses,
Nonce myNonce,
Nonce remoteNonce,
ByteBufferPtr  sharedSecret,
bool  isInitiator,
bool  requestsKeyExchange = false,
bool  requestsCertificate = false

Connects to a remote host that is also connecting to this connection (negotiated by a third party).

void TNL::NetConnection::disconnect const char *  reason  ) 

Sends a disconnect packet to notify the remote host that this side is terminating the connection for the specified reason.

This will remove the connection from its NetInterface, and may have the side effect that the connection is deleted, if there are no other objects with RefPtrs to the connection.

bool TNL::NetConnection::windowFull  ) 

Returns true if the packet send window is full and no more data packets can be sent.

void TNL::NetConnection::computeNegotiatedRate  )  [private]

Called internally when the local or remote rate changes.

PacketNotify* TNL::NetConnection::getCurrentWritePacketNotify  )  [inline, protected]

Returns the notify structure for the current packet write, or last written packet.

ConnectionParameters& TNL::NetConnection::getConnectionParameters  )  [inline]

bool TNL::NetConnection::isInitiator  )  [inline]

returns true if this object initiated the connection with the remote host

void TNL::NetConnection::setRemoteConnectionObject NetConnection connection  )  [inline]

NetConnection* TNL::NetConnection::getRemoteConnectionObject  )  [inline]

char* TNL::NetConnection::getErrorBuffer  )  [inline, static]

returns the current error buffer

void TNL::NetConnection::setLastError const char *  fmt,

Sets an error string and notifies the currently processing connection that it should terminate.

void TNL::NetConnection::setInterface NetInterface myInterface  ) 

Sets the NetInterface this NetConnection will communicate through.

NetInterface* TNL::NetConnection::getInterface  ) 

Returns the NetInterface this connection communicates through.

void TNL::NetConnection::setSymmetricCipher SymmetricCipher theCipher  ) 

Sets the SymmetricCipher this NetConnection will use for encryption.

virtual NetClassGroup TNL::NetConnection::getNetClassGroup  )  const [inline, virtual]

Returns the class group of objects that can be transmitted over this NetConnection.

void TNL::NetConnection::setPingTimeouts U32  msPerPing,
U32  pingRetryCount

Sets the ping/timeout characteristics for a fixed-rate connection. Total timeout is msPerPing * pingRetryCount.

void TNL::NetConnection::setSimulatedNetParams F32  packetLoss,
U32  latency

Simulates a network situation with a percentage random packet loss and a connection one way latency as specified.

void TNL::NetConnection::setIsConnectionToServer  )  [inline]

Specifies that this NetConnection instance is a connection to a "server.".

bool TNL::NetConnection::isConnectionToServer  )  [inline]

Returns true if this is a connection to a "server.".

void TNL::NetConnection::setIsConnectionToClient  )  [inline]

Specifies that this NetConnection instance is a connection to a "client.".

bool TNL::NetConnection::isConnectionToClient  )  [inline]

Returns true if this is a connection to a "client.".

bool TNL::NetConnection::isLocalConnection  )  [inline]

Returns true if the remote side of this connection is a NetConnection instance in on the same host.

bool TNL::NetConnection::isNetworkConnection  )  [inline]

Returns true if the remote side if this connection is on a remote host.

F32 TNL::NetConnection::getRoundTripTime  )  [inline]

Returns the running average packet round trip time.

F32 TNL::NetConnection::getOneWayTime  )  [inline]

Returns have of the average of the round trip packet time.

const Address& TNL::NetConnection::getNetAddress  ) 

Returns the remote address of the host we're connected or trying to connect to.

const char* TNL::NetConnection::getNetAddressString  )  const [inline]

Returns the remote address in string form.

void TNL::NetConnection::setNetAddress const Address address  ) 

Sets the address of the remote host we want to connect to.

NetError TNL::NetConnection::sendPacket BitStream stream  ) 

Sends a packet that was written into a BitStream to the remote host, or the mRemoteConnection on this host.

bool TNL::NetConnection::checkTimeout U32  time  ) 

Checks to see if the connection has timed out, possibly sending a ping packet to the remote host. Returns true if the connection timed out.

void TNL::NetConnection::checkPacketSend bool  force,
U32  currentTime

Checks to see if a packet should be sent at the currentTime to the remote host.

If force is true and there is space in the window, it will always send a packet.

void TNL::NetConnection::setConnectionState NetConnectionState  state  )  [inline]

Sets the current connection state of this NetConnection.

NetConnectionState TNL::NetConnection::getConnectionState  )  [inline]

Gets the current connection state of this NetConnection.

bool TNL::NetConnection::isEstablished  )  [inline]

Returns true if the connection handshaking has completed successfully.

void TNL::NetConnection::setIsAdaptive  ) 

Enables the adaptive protocol.

By default NetConnection operates with a fixed rate protocol - that is, it sends a packet every few milliseconds, based on some configuration parameters. However, it is possible to use an adaptive rate protocol that attempts to maximize thoroughput over the connection.

Calling this function enables this behavior.

void TNL::NetConnection::setFixedRateParameters U32  minPacketSendPeriod,
U32  minPacketRecvPeriod,
U32  maxSendBandwidth,
U32  maxRecvBandwidth

sets the fixed rate send and receive data sizes, and sets the connection to not behave as an adaptive rate connection

bool TNL::NetConnection::isAdaptive  )  [inline]

Query the adaptive status of the connection.

virtual bool TNL::NetConnection::isDataToTransmit  )  [inline, virtual]

Returns true if this connection has data to transmit.

The adaptive rate protocol needs to be able to tell if there is data ready to be sent, so that it can avoid sending unnecessary packets. Each subclass of NetConnection may need to send different data - events, ghost updates, or other things. Therefore, this hook is provided so that child classes can overload it and let the adaptive protocol function properly.

Make sure this calls to its parents - the accepted idiom is:
return Parent::isDataToTransmit() || localConditions();

Reimplemented in TNL::EventConnection, TNL::GhostConnection, and TNLTest::TestConnection.

void TNL::NetConnection::setTranslatesStrings  ) 

Enables string tag translation on this connection.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class NetInterface [friend]

friend class ConnectionStringTable [friend]

Field Documentation

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastPacketRecvTime [private]

Time of the receipt of the last data packet.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastSeqRecvdAtSend[MaxPacketWindowSize] [private]

The sequence number of the last packet received from the remote host when we sent the packet with sequence X & PacketWindowMask.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastSeqRecvd [private]

The sequence number of the most recently received packet from the remote host.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mHighestAckedSeq [private]

The highest sequence number the remote side has acknowledged.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastSendSeq [private]

The sequence number of the last packet sent.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mAckMask[MaxAckMaskSize] [private]

long string of bits, each acking a packet sent by the remote host

The bit associated with mLastSeqRecvd is the low bit of the 0'th word of mAckMask.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastRecvAckAck [private]

The highest sequence this side knows the other side has received an ACK or NACK for.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mInitialSendSeq [private]

The first mLastSendSeq for this side of the connection.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mInitialRecvSeq [private]

The first mLastSeqRecvd (the first mLastSendSeq for the remote host).

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mHighestAckedSendTime [private]

The send time of the highest packet sequence acked by the remote host.

Used in the computation of round trip time.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mPingTimeout [private]

Milliseconds to wait before sending a ping packet.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mPingRetryCount [private]

Number of unacknowledged pings to send before timing out.

BitSet32 TNL::NetConnection::mTypeFlags [private]

Flags describing the type of connection this is, OR'd from NetConnectionTypeFlags.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastUpdateTime [private]

The last time a packet was sent from this instance.

F32 TNL::NetConnection::mRoundTripTime [private]

Running average round trip time.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mSendDelayCredit [private]

Metric to help compensate for irregularities on fixed rate packet sends.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mSimulatedLatency [private]

Amount of additional time this connection delays its packet sends to simulate latency in the connection.

F32 TNL::NetConnection::mSimulatedPacketLoss [private]

Function to simulate packet loss on a network.

NetRate TNL::NetConnection::mLocalRate [private]

Current communications rate negotiated for this connection.

NetRate TNL::NetConnection::mRemoteRate [private]

Maximum allowable communications rate for this connection.

bool TNL::NetConnection::mLocalRateChanged [private]

Set to true when the local connection's rate has changed.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mCurrentPacketSendSize [private]

Current size of each packet sent to the remote host.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mCurrentPacketSendPeriod [private]

Millisecond delay between sent packets.

Address TNL::NetConnection::mNetAddress [private]

The network address of the host this instance is connected to.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mPingSendCount [private]

Number of unacknowledged ping packets sent to the remote host.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastPingSendTime [private]

Last time a ping packet was sent from this connection.

PacketNotify* TNL::NetConnection::mNotifyQueueHead [protected]

Linked list of structures representing the data in sent packets.

PacketNotify* TNL::NetConnection::mNotifyQueueTail [protected]

Tail of the notify queue linked list. New packets are added to the end of the tail.

SafePtr<NetConnection> TNL::NetConnection::mRemoteConnection [protected]

Safe pointer to a short-circuit remote connection on the same host.

This currently isn't enabled - see the end of netConnection.cpp for an example of how to use this. If it's set, the code will use short circuited networking.

ConnectionParameters TNL::NetConnection::mConnectionParameters [protected]

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mConnectSendCount

Number of challenge or connect requests sent to the remote host.

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mConnectLastSendTime

The send time of the last challenge or connect request.

char TNL::NetConnection::mErrorBuffer[256] [static, protected]

String buffer that errors are written into.

SafePtr<NetInterface> TNL::NetConnection::mInterface [protected]

The NetInterface of which this NetConnection is a member.

RefPtr<SymmetricCipher> TNL::NetConnection::mSymmetricCipher [protected]

The helper object that performs symmetric encryption on packets.

NetConnectionState TNL::NetConnection::mConnectionState

Current state of this NetConnection.

F32 TNL::NetConnection::cwnd [private]

F32 TNL::NetConnection::ssthresh [private]

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastSeqRecvdAck [private]

U32 TNL::NetConnection::mLastAckTime [private]

ConnectionStringTable* TNL::NetConnection::mStringTable [private]

Helper for managing translation between global NetStringTable ids to local ids for this connection.