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TNLTest::TestConnection class Reference

TNLTest::TestConnection Class Reference

#include <testGame.h>

Inheritance diagram for TNLTest::TestConnection:

TNL::GhostConnection TNL::EventConnection TNL::NetConnection TNL::Object

Detailed Description

TestConnection is the TNLTest connection class.

The TestConnection class overrides particular methods for connection housekeeping, and for connected clients manages the transmission of client inputs to the server for player position updates.

When a client's connection to the server is lost, the TestConnection notifies the network interface that it should begin searching for a new server to join.

Public Types

enum  RPCEnumerationValues { PlayerPosReplyBitSize = 6 }
 Enumeration constant used to specify the size field of Float<> parameters in the rpcGotPlayerPos method. More...

Public Member Functions

 TestConnection ()
 The TestConnection constructor.

void onConnectTerminated (TNL::NetConnection::TerminationReason reason, const char *rejectionString)
 onConnectTerminated is called when the connection request to the server is unable to complete due to server rejection, timeout or other error.

void onConnectionTerminated (TNL::NetConnection::TerminationReason reason, const char *string)
 onConnectionTerminated is called when an established connection is terminated, whether from the local or remote hosts explicitly disconnecting, timing out or network error.

void onConnectionEstablished ()
 onConnectionEstablished is called on both ends of a connection when the connection is established.

bool isDataToTransmit ()
 isDataToTransmit is called each time the connection is ready to send a packet.

 TNL_DECLARE_RPC (rpcSetPlayerPos,(TNL::F32 x, TNL::F32 y))
 Remote function that client calls to set the position of the player on the server.

 TNL_DECLARE_RPC (rpcGotPlayerPos,(bool b1, bool b2, TNL::StringTableEntry string, TNL::Float< PlayerPosReplyBitSize > x, TNL::Float< PlayerPosReplyBitSize > y))
 Remote function the server sends back to the client when it gets a player position.

 TNL_DECLARE_NETCONNECTION is used to declare that TestConnection is a valid connection class to the TNL network system.

Data Fields

TNL::SafePtr< PlayermyPlayer
 The player object associated with this connection.

Private Types

typedef TNL::GhostConnection Parent

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef TNL::GhostConnection TNLTest::TestConnection::Parent [private]

Reimplemented from TNL::GhostConnection.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum TNLTest::TestConnection::RPCEnumerationValues

Enumeration constant used to specify the size field of Float<> parameters in the rpcGotPlayerPos method.

Enumeration values:
PlayerPosReplyBitSize  Size, in bits of the floats the server sends to the client to acknowledge position updates.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TNLTest::TestConnection::TestConnection  ) 

The TestConnection constructor.

This method contains a line that can be uncommented to put the TestConnection into adaptive communications mode.

Member Function Documentation

void TNLTest::TestConnection::onConnectTerminated TNL::NetConnection::TerminationReason  reason,
const char *  rejectionString

onConnectTerminated is called when the connection request to the server is unable to complete due to server rejection, timeout or other error.

When a TestConnection connect request to a server is terminated, the client's network interface is notified so it can begin searching for another server to connect to.

void TNLTest::TestConnection::onConnectionTerminated TNL::NetConnection::TerminationReason  reason,
const char *  string

onConnectionTerminated is called when an established connection is terminated, whether from the local or remote hosts explicitly disconnecting, timing out or network error.

When a TestConnection to a server is disconnected, the client's network interface is notified so it can begin searching for another server to connect to.

void TNLTest::TestConnection::onConnectionEstablished  )  [virtual]

onConnectionEstablished is called on both ends of a connection when the connection is established.

On the server this will create a player for this client, and set it as the client's scope object. On both sides this will set the proper ghosting behavior for the connection (ie server to client).

Reimplemented from TNL::NetConnection.

bool TNLTest::TestConnection::isDataToTransmit  )  [virtual]

isDataToTransmit is called each time the connection is ready to send a packet.

If the NetConnection subclass has data to send it should return true. In the case of a simulation, this should always return true.

Reimplemented from TNL::GhostConnection.

TNLTest::TestConnection::TNL_DECLARE_RPC rpcSetPlayerPos  ,
(TNL::F32 x, TNL::F32 y) 

Remote function that client calls to set the position of the player on the server.

TNLTest::TestConnection::TNL_DECLARE_RPC rpcGotPlayerPos  ,
(bool b1, bool b2, TNL::StringTableEntry string, TNL::Float< PlayerPosReplyBitSize > x, TNL::Float< PlayerPosReplyBitSize > y) 

Remote function the server sends back to the client when it gets a player position.

We only use 6 bits of precision on each float to illustrate the float compression that's possible using TNL's RPC. This RPC also sends bool and StringTableEntry data, as well as showing the use of the TNL_DECLARE_RPC_ENUM macro.

TNLTest::TestConnection::TNL_DECLARE_NETCONNECTION TestConnection   ) 

TNL_DECLARE_NETCONNECTION is used to declare that TestConnection is a valid connection class to the TNL network system.

Field Documentation

TNL::SafePtr<Player> TNLTest::TestConnection::myPlayer

The player object associated with this connection.