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tnlBitStream.h File Reference

tnlBitStream.h File Reference

#include "tnlByteBuffer.h"
#include "tnlConnectionStringTable.h"


namespace  TNL


#define DeclareTemplatizedReadWrite(T)
 Helper macro used in BitStream declaration.

Define Documentation

#define DeclareTemplatizedReadWrite  ) 


inline bool write(T value) { T temp = convertHostToLEndian(value); return write(sizeof(T), &temp); } \
inline bool read(T *value) { T temp; bool success = read(sizeof(T), &temp); *value = convertLEndianToHost(temp); return success;}
Helper macro used in BitStream declaration.

DeclareTemplatizedReadWrite macro declares a read and write function for the specified type. This is a macro because MSVC6 has seriously broken template functionality. Thanks MS!