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TNL::HuffmanStringProcessor Namespace Reference

TNL::HuffmanStringProcessor Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

HuffmanStringProcessor does Huffman coding on strings written into BitStream objects.


bool readHuffBuffer (BitStream *pStream, char *out_pBuffer)
 Reads a Huffman compressed string out of a BitStream.

bool writeHuffBuffer (BitStream *pStream, const char *out_pBuffer, U32 maxLen)
 Writes and Huffman compresses a string into a BitStream.

Function Documentation

bool readHuffBuffer BitStream *  pStream,
char *  out_pBuffer

Reads a Huffman compressed string out of a BitStream.

bool writeHuffBuffer BitStream *  pStream,
const char *  out_pBuffer,
U32  maxLen

Writes and Huffman compresses a string into a BitStream.

pStream Stream to output compressed data to.
out_pBuffer String to compress.
maxLen Maximum length of the string. If string length exceeds this, then the string is terminated early.
The Huffman encoder uses BitStream::writeString as a fallback. WriteString can only write strings of up to 255 characters length. Therefore, it is wise not to exceed that limit.