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TNL Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
TNL::AddressRepresentation of a network address
TNL::AssertAssert functions for validating proper program state
TNL::BitSet32Represents a word of bits
TNL::BitStreamBitStream provides a bit-level stream interface to a data buffer
TNLTest::BuildingThe Building class is an example of a NetObject that is ScopeAlways
TNL::CertificateThe Certificate class manages a digitally signed certificate
TNL::ClassChunker< T >Templatized data chunker class with proper construction and destruction of its elements
TNL::ClientPuzzleManagerThe ClientPuzzleManager class issues, solves and validates client puzzles for connection authentication
TNL::ClientPuzzleManager::NonceTableNonceTable manages the list of client nonces for which clients have constructed valid puzzle solutions for the current server nonce
TNL::ConnectionParametersAll data associated with the negotiation of the connection
TNL::ConnectionStringTableConnectionStringTable is a helper class to EventConnection for reducing duplicated string data sends
TNL::ConnectionStringTable::EntryAn entry in the EventConnection's string table
TNL::DataChunkerImplements a chunked data allocater
TNL::DataChunker::DataBlockDataBlock representation for each page of the DataChunker
TNL::EventConnectionEventConnection is a NetConnection subclass used for sending guaranteed and unguaranteed event packages across a connection
TNL::EventConnection::EventNoteEventNote associates a single event posted to a connection with a sequence number for ordered processing
TNL::EventConnection::EventPacketNotifyEventPacketNotify tracks all the events sent with a single packet
TNL::Float< bitCount >Floating point 0...1 value bit-level RPC template wrapper
TNL::FunctorBase class for FunctorDecl template classes
TNL::FunctorDecl< T >FunctorDecl template class
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)()>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C, D)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C, D, E)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C, D, E, F)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)>
TNL::FunctorDecl< void(T::*)(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)>
TNL::GhostConnectionGhostConnection is a subclass of EventConnection that manages the transmission (ghosting) and updating of NetObjects over a connection
TNL::GhostConnection::GhostPacketNotifyNotify structure attached to each packet with information about the ghost updates in the packet
TNL::GhostConnection::GhostRefGhostRef tracks an update sent in one packet for the ghost of one NetObject
TNL::GhostInfoEach GhostInfo structure tracks the state of a single NetObject's ghost for a single GhostConnection
TNL::Int< bitCount >Unsigned integer bit-level RPC template wrapper
TNL::IPAddressPacked representaion of an IPAddress
TNL::JournalThe Journal class represents the recordable entry point(s) into program execution
TNL::LogConsumerLogConsumer is the base class for the message logging system in TNL
MasterServerInterfaceThe MasterServerInterface is the RPC interface to the TNL example Master Server
TNL::MutexPlatform independent Mutual Exclusion implementation
TNL::NetClassRepInstance< T >NetClassRepInstance - one of these templates is instantiated for each class that is declared via the IMPLEMENT_* macros below
TNL::NetConnectionTNL network connection base class
TNL::NetConnection::NetRateRate management structure used specify the rate at which packets are sent and the maximum size of each packet
TNL::NetConnection::PacketNotifyStructure used to track what was sent in an individual packet for processing upon notification of delivery success or failure
TNL::NetConnectionRepNetConnectionRep maintians a linked list of valid connection classes
TNL::NetEventAn event to be sent over the network
TNL::NetInterfaceNetInterface class
TNL::NetInterface::DelaySendPacketStructure used to track packets that are delayed in sending for simulating a high-latency connection
TNL::NetObjectRPCEventEvent class for handling RPC method invocations on NetObjects
TNL::NetTypeNetType serves as a base class for all bit-compressed versions of the base types that can be transmitted using TNL's RPC mechanism
TNL::PacketStreamPacketStream provides a network interface to the BitStream for easy construction of data packets
TNLTest::PlayerThe Player is an example of an object that can move around and update its position to clients in the system
TNL::Point3FPoint3F is used by BitStream for transmitting 3D points and vectors
TNLTest::PositionPosition structure used for positions of objects in the test game
TNL::RangedU32< rangeStart, rangeEnd >Unsigned ranged integer bit-level RPC template wrapper
TNL::RefObjectRefBase class for Object reference counting
TNL::RefPtr< T >Reference counted object template pointer class
TNL::RPCEventBase class for RPC events
TNL::SafeObjectRefBase class for Object safe pointers
TNL::SafePtr< T >Safe object template pointer class
TNL::SemaphorePlatform independent semaphore class
TNL::SignedFloat< bitCount >Floating point -1...1 value bit-level RPC template wrapper
TNL::SignedInt< bitCount >Signed integer bit-level RPC template wrapper
TNL::SocketThe Socket class encapsulates a platform's network socket
TNL::StringTableEntryThe StringTableEntry class encapsulates an entry in the network StringTable
TNL::SymmetricCipherClass for symmetric encryption of data across a connection
TNLTest::TestConnectionTestConnection is the TNLTest connection class
TNLTest::TestGameThe TestGame class manages a TNLTest client or server instance
TNLTest::TestNetInterfaceTestNetInterface - the NetInterface subclass used in TNLTest
TNL::ThreadPlatform independent Thread class
TNL::ThreadQueueManaging object for a queue of worker threads that pass messages back and forth to the main thread
TNL::ThreadStoragePlatform independent per-thread storage class
TNL::Vector< T >A dynamic array template class
TNL::VectorRepVectorRep is an image of a Vector template object that is used for marshalling and unmarshalling Vectors across RPCs